Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Catering & Private Parties

Catering & Private Parties

Private Room

Amuz gourmet restaurant provides you a luxurious private room to meet your desire for a prestigious and strategic venue where you can hold corporate events or special celebrations.
Lunch and dinner reservations at the Private Dining room are available for 6 to 12 guests with a minimum charge applied.

Chef’s Table

Simple, comfortable and intimate, the Chef’s table with its own ambience nestled in the corner of the restaurant with a perfect view of the Master’s open show-kitchen, where you can watch the chef’s performance unobstructed. Suitable for 4 up to 6 guests, the table offers you an intimacy interaction with the Chef during the meal. This special opportunity is available on a minimum charge applied.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Top 8 Fashion Trend 2011

Seperti telah diketahui, mendesain sebuah clothing line biasanya sangat rentan terhadap trend mode. Dan memang betul, kendati akan sedikit berlebihan saat berbusana mengikuti trend, namun orang tetap tidak akan mengacuhkan trend tersebut. Dan ini bisa menjadi sebuah kesalahpahaman. Maka solusinya adalah berbusana secukupnya dan sesuai dengan karakter Anda. Yang paling penting, Anda suka dan merasa nyaman serta percaya diri saat mengenakan busana dimaksud. Maka niscaya, busana apapun yang Anda pakai bakal terlihat pantas sekaligus mendongkrak estetika Anda. Berikut prediksi Top 8 trend busana untuk summer tahun ini.
• 70’s are back. Warna cerah, platform dan bahkan jumpsuits akan menjadi populer musim ini.
• Warna netral dan tampilan monochromatic juga akan menjadi sangat trendy. Apalagi jika Anda mencoba kombinasi dari keduanya.
• Faux fur akan menjadi trend tersendiri musim ini
• Busana pria bakal terinspirasi oleh gaya biker. Jaket kulit menjadi aksesoris wajib, ikat pinggang dan aksesoris biker lainnya juga akan tenar kembali.
• Motif prints dan garis-garis akan muncul di lebih banyak clothing line tahun ini.
• Popularitas high heel akan mulai meredup. Pasalnya diprediksi para wanita lebih memilih flat shoes dengan alasan lebih nyaman.
• Sementara ikat pinggang juga akan makin diminati. Kebalikan dengan trend busana pria yang cenderung beltless.
• Selain itu, celana pendek akan menjadi sangat kontemporer pada busana pria

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Bali Tropical Homes

We are one of Bali villas portals, based locally in Bali with extensive villa listings. We are dedicated our self to accommodate your villa needs so, that you will have the most suited Bali’s villa for your stay.

With our personal services from the day you arrive in the Paradise Island to the end of your stay, we will make your stay memorable and vow to return.

Choosing Us

Choosing us to find your dream villa, would make your journey to discover Bali, much easier. Special package such as Bali Tour, honeymoon package, weekend holiday, etc can be arranged at your discretion.

Special complimentary and discount will be offered, should your booking matched one of the certain circumstances applied such as length of stay, last minute reservation, etc.

Our special offers are a bottle of wine, traditional gifts, Indonesian dinner, free use of baby cot and high chair (subject to availability), free of use car and driver during your stay, etc.

Bali Tropical Homes will make be your partner in exploring Bali, the island of God.